This year, I am intentionally choosing to enter spring SLOWLY and DELIBERATELY. As with everything in my life, I try and follow natural rhythms and flow and take a look at how I can continue my process of REWILDING. For myself, for my children, and for my family. It seems like everywhere I turn these days, I am invited to “spring clean”, become a “new you/new look”, “emerge”, “leap into spring”. The cultural messages around this time have often become cliché and disconnected from their true messages and from the true natural rhythm of the season. Plus, the LAST THING you need as a mom is pressure to instantly clean MORE and do more! Creating spaciousness in life and re-emerging can be beautiful and powerful BUT they must not be rushed. After all; they are a transition away from the darkness toward the light. This transition must be honoured. Spring is the season of AWAKENING, EXPANSION, GROWTH, and REBIRTH These do not happen instantly. It takes time It takes nurturing It takes water Think of it; have you ever seen a beautiful spring tulip flower emerge instantly? Have you seen the grass grow from under the snow or crinkled leaves to turn a bright vibrant green all at once? Have you seen Aspen buds on trees turn bright green at the snap of a finger? OF COURSE NOT! It is a process of growth, and, although the end result (flowers, green grass, leaves) is beautiful, it is part of a transformation; a process. So, my invitation to you is to DO SPRING SLOWLY. We are culturally conditioned to jump to the next thing quickly but can we complete the last thing slowly and do less? How can you embody the essence of spring? Can you take a few moments extra in the morning to slowly get out of bed, rise, stretch, and look toward the sky? Perhaps shifting the dynamic of “springing” out of bed; because let’s face it, as a mom you might tend to rush into the day. (Guilty here ) If we rush transitions, we are missing an important aspect of completion and growth. What are some possibilities of doing spring slowly for you as a mom? Can you pick one conscious area in your life to “Spring clean”? A dear mom friend recently shared with me they are Spring cleaning their “not enough” internal voice. I LOVE THAT! Blooming into feeling enough. Pay attention to what your body, emotions, relationships, spirit need during this season. As always, I am here to offer meaningful and impactful support to help you live the life you envision. With warmth and light, Jen
1 Comment
Diana S
3/28/2023 09:40:16 pm
So beautifully said 🥹 love this gentle way of welcoming spring ❤️
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